

Quiet Quitting

For the past few months, the hashtag #QuietQuitting has dominated social media channels. It all started with a social media video of a user describing the idea behind “quiet quitting”.

“You’re not abandoning your job overtly, but you’re losing the concept of going above and beyond at work. You’re still doing your job, but you’re not buying into the hustle culture attitude that says work needs to be your life,” the person on the video argues.

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Employee training – the secret to retention?

According to the 2022 LinkedIn Learning report, 94% of employees wouldn’t quit if employee training opportunities were available. The report also found that companies who struggle with employee training programmes see nearly half the retention rate than companies who do not. Could training your employees be the secret to a successful retention strategy?

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employees back to the office

The Great Return: Attracting employees back to the office

Covid-19 forced many non-essential workers out of the office and into their homes, but now most offices have reopened, and employers are welcoming their employees back to the office.

For some employees The Great Return, as it has been coined, is a welcome shift back to normality. However, most South African employees, according to a Michael Page survey, are not enticed to work a 5-day week in the office. 53% of participants are looking at a hybrid model of 3 or 4 remote days a week as an ideal work-from-home arrangement.

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Exit interviews: A gold mine  

When an employee chooses to leave your organisation, the most burning question is why? The exit interview is there to answer that and many other questions for you to get very valuable insight into your operations and culture. It’s a gold mine of data for you to analyse and action.

It’s important to understand that the employee leaving might say things that are not true and that they might be leaving because of their own mistakes but about 90% of the time there are some hard truths to learn from an exit interview.

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A winning recruitment strategy

Hitting the bull’s eye with your recruitment strategy requires consistently adjusting your aim until you find the sweet spot. It’s a process that takes time and it’s always a good time to start.

No matter how successful your business is, you’re going to have staff turnover. So you’re going to need a winning recruitment strategy.

You can’t control the fact that employees will leave, but you can control your recruitment strategy. There are bound to be candidates out there who simply don’t fit the bill but look good on paper. A winning recruitment strategy means hiring people who are the perfect fit for your organisation and are less likely to leave.

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Workplace wellness: watering your sunflowers.

Just like a sunflower, employees need to be watered and nurtured to grow. The potential for them to grow rapidly and impressively is there, if only they are consistently watered and nurtured.  The potential for such rapid growth starts with their roots. If the correct foundation is not built for the employees, you cannot expect them to reach their full potential. In fact, wellness is so important that if it is ignored, you may find that just like a sunflower follows the sun, your employees will turn to other companies for brighter employment conditions.

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Adapting to global recruitment

The concept of the global village asserts that due to the development of mass media, telecommunications, global travel, and the internet, we are now able to view the globe as a single community. Instead of distance being a great barrier, it is now simply a geographic detail.

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Specialised contact centre recruitment: A game changer.

From KPI’s to digital transformation, from shifts to company culture, contact centre recruitment is specialised and nuanced. It is counter-productive to solicit labour law advice from an environmental lawyer in the same way that it is counterproductive to task contact centre managers or general recruitment agencies with the specialised recruitment of contact centre agents. The optimal solution is to assign the task to the most specialised party.

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